L’arthrite pied : comment soigner les douleurs au pied ?

Foot arthritis: how to treat foot pain?

Arthritis pied is an inflammatory disease that can affect joints throughout the body.
L’arthrite pied : comment soigner les douleurs au pied ?

Foot arthritis: how to treat foot pain?

Arthritis pied is an inflammatory disease that can affect joints throughout the body.
Découvrez les bienfaits des semelles orthopédiques pour les pied creux

Discover the benefits of orthotics for sunken feet

Orthopedic insoles for sunken feet offer many advantages. Thanks to the way they are manufactured, insoles for sunken feet are medical devices that help reduce the pain of sunken feet.
Douleurs pieds creux : complications et traitements appropriés

Pain in sunken feet: complications and appropriate treatments

Hollow foot is an excessive deformation of the arch of the foot that can cause severe pain. However, there are several suitable treatments available.
Pied creux neurologique : diagnostic, causes et traitements

Neurological hollow foot: diagnosis, causes and treatments

Wearing hollow-foot insoles and shoes, and massaging the arch of the foot, remain effective ways of soothing the pain caused by hollow feet.
Pied creux : Quelles sont les causes, conséquences et traitements de cette pathologie ?

Hollow foot: What are the causes, consequences and treatments of this condition?

Unlike valgus flatfoot, valgus hollowfoot is very rare. Pain in the hollow of the foot is characterized by an accentuated curvature of the foot. arch of the foot.
Comment se déroule l'opération du névrome de morton ?

How is the operation for Morton's neuroma performed?

Morton's neuroma, a painful condition affecting the front of the foot, can be treated with surgery. We tell you all about surgical procedure morton's neuroma !
Le traitement du névrome de morton : tout ce qu’il faut savoir

Morton's neuroma treatment: everything you need to know

Morton's syndrome is a painful foot condition leading to acute pain, swelling and swelling. We offer you all how to treat it