Découvrez les bienfaits des semelles orthopédiques pour les pied creux

What's a hollow foot?

The hollow foot is a deformity of the arch of the foot characterized by a considerable accentuation of arch arch. As a result, a narrowing between the metatarsals and the heel is observed. This retraction of the plantar arch can often lead to sunken feet with a downward-pointing heel and even claw toes.

Hollow foot consequences

Hollow foot pain is usually the first consequence encountered by the majority of patients. People with sunken feet tend to lean on the forefoot and/or heel. Following the deformity of the plantar arch, the toes tend to lean downwards. This can lead tomation of claw toes.

In addition, a deformed heel, raised above the ball of the foot and redirected downwards, tends to create instability and imbalance in the foot and even the whole body when walking and moving.

How to correct sunken feet?

Corresponding to an aggravated curvature of the plantar (internal) arch, the hollow foot becomes pathological when a deformity is observed. Thus, a arched foot corresponds to a physiological hollow foot.

In general, there are natural treatments available to correct neurological sunken feet. Physiotherapeutic exercises, arch massages, orthopedic insoles and orthopedic footwear are all methods of treatment that can help relieve the pain of hollow feet.

However, a intervention surgery may be necessary when hollow foot deformities are very significant or severe.

Hollow foot treatment with orthopedic insoles for hollow feet

Wearing orthopedic insoles for the correction of sunken feet has proven to be an effective solution to the following problems effective. Made-to-measure from impressions of the patient's feet, an orthopedic insole for sunken feet ensures a result that satisfies every need.

How do orthotics for sunken feet work?

Thanks to the support it offers to the plantar arch, the orthopedic insole for sunken feet aims to balance under the arch of the foot. As a result, support and body weight are distributed over the entire foot.

Pain previously caused by heel and metatarsal pressure is now relieved.

Sole orthopedic insoles: what are their features?

Visit orthopaedic insoles have several features, including :

  • A support under the arch of the foot designed to reduce and balance the space between the foot and the ground to increase the surface area in contact with the ground.
  • A retro-capital bar in soft material at the front of the foot to promote and comfort of the metatarsals. This reduces the risk of claw toes.
  • Discharge units placed at the front of the foot and arranged according to the morphology of each patient's foot. These are designed to reduce lifting of the metatarsal phalangeal joint. This reduces pressure on this often painful part of the hollow foot.

The benefits of orthopedic insoles for sunken feet

Hollow-foot orthotics offer a number of advantages. Thanks to their manufacture and adapted equipment, insoles for sunken feet are medical devices that help reduce the pain of sunken feet.

Made-to-measure, insoles for sunken feet are designed to treat and alleviate sore feet. correct the deformities caused by this pathology. Hollow foot orthotics are therefore an effective solution for hollow feet and a non-invasive alternative to surgery.

How to choose a woman's hollow-foot insole?

Women tend to wear high shoes all day long. This can lead to pain in the hollow of the foot. To reduce this foot pain, there are specific insoles for women, which can be detected by a number of criteria.

  • Foot type: for a sunken foot, insoles with support for the arch and forefoot are ideal for relieving pain.
  • Size: To ensure adequate support, it's important to choose an insole that perfectly matches the size and shape of your shoe.
  • Insole material: Choose insoles for sunken feet made of foam, leather or gel, depending on the level of comfort required.
  • Shoe type : choose the right soles women depending on the type of women's sock boots to be worn. For heels, for example, there are effective insoles that provide a perfect balance between foot and ankle.
  • Intensity of support: Depending on the degree of pain, you can choose insoles with light, moderate or high levels of support. Choose a thick, high-support insole if you suffer from intense pain.

Whether sandals, heels, flats or pumps, it's important to choose the right type of hollow-foot insole.

What are the side effects of using orthotics?

Although known for their effectiveness, wearing orthopedic insoles for sunken feet can often present side effects in rare cases. Initially, tendonitis and soreness are the most common side effects. adverse effects that can occur when insoles are not used progressively.

It is therefore essential to follow the recommendations and advice of your ortho-physiotherapist to the letter, to avoid postural or modal injuries.

Where to buy insoles

Pharmacies are the best place to buy orthopedic insoles at a higher price than online. Depending on material and size, you can find all types of insoles for sunken feet in pharmacies.

Complementary treatments to orthopedic insoles for sunken feet

In addition to orthopedic inserts, hollow feet can also be treated with hollow foot shoes, massage sessions and even physiotherapy exercises.

Using shoes for sunken feet

For quicker, more satisfying results, it's important to match your insoles to the following shoes adapted to your morphology. To ensure the well-being of sunken feet, you need to opt for a sunken-foot shoe offering good support for arch arch and a wide fit for greater walking comfort.

Hollow-foot shoes should also have a wide front to avoid pressure on the toes.

Arch massage sessions

In addition to the medical devices mentioned above, arch massage sessions are also recommended. massages of the arch of the foot can help correct the deformities of hollow feet. Also known as foot reflexology, foot massage is a gentle form of medicine that soothes pain, releases tension and loosens muscles.

Physical therapy exercises

Physiotherapy is not a solution to be neglected in the treatment of sunken feet. Physiotherapy consists of a series of specific exercises based on appropriate techniques.