Pourquoi utiliser des semelles orthopédiques pour soigner les maux de dos ?

🔥 9 out of 10 French people say they have suffered from back painaccording to a survey by OpinionWay for Vexim. With more and more people working from home, and a working environment less suited to good posture, back pain is the ailment of the century, and it's on the rise. Massages or osteopathy sessions can help relieve your pain, but not cure the cause of the problem.

How can you treat your back pain in the long term? And why can wearing anti-back pain insoles help?

The benefits of orthopedic insoles for back pain

Back pain

The truth is, just because your back hurts doesn't mean the source of your pain is in that area. Back pain often reflects a problem with posture or skeletal alignment. đź©ş

Poor support, an unaligned pelvis, one leg shorter than the other or flat feet can also lead to poor posture or gait, which, over the long term, can lead to chronic back pain.

So, to treat your back pain, treating your plantar problem is often the solution.

đź‘Ł Orthopedic insoles correct your posture and support problems, will relieve your back pain immediatelyand provide long-term correction.

Treating scoliosis with orthopedic inserts

Orthopedic insoles for back pain

Scoliosis is a sinuous deviation of the spine in all three planes of the spine. planes : inclination in the frontal plane, rotation of the vertebrae in the horizontal planeand inversion curves in the sagittal plane. 🩺

With the omnipresence of screens, both at work and in personal life, scoliosis has become a common ailment. Leaning over our mobile or computer screen, we don't adopt good posture for our backs and necks, and this often leads to displacement of the pelvis or curvature of the spine.

👩‍💻Improve your workstation by opting for a raised screen and a comfortable office chair is a first step towards avoiding more unnecessary back pain.

đź‘źWear back pain orthotics is the second step. For example, acupuncture inserts for back pain will not only give you a pleasant massage with every step, but will also help you distribute foot pressure more evenly and adopt a better posture in everyday life.

Easy to wear, they can be changed every 2 years for greater effectiveness.

Coupled with osteopathic or chiropractic treatment, for example, wearing orthopedic inserts to treat scoliosis can prove highly successful over time.

Wearing orthotics for sciatica

Sciatica or sciatic neuralgia is a sharp pain felt along one of the two sciatic nerves. It is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. It can be very painful, since the throbbing sensation mainly affects the buttock and thigh, and can extend to the foot. 🔥

Sciatic neuralgia is usually treated with anti-inflammatory medication or local injections administered by your doctor.

We strongly advise against any sporting activity during sciatica: staying active is important to help you get over the pain, even if it doesn't go away at first. ⛹‍♀

That's why you should it's important to wear orthopedic insoles for back pain during your daily walk, 

What type of orthopedic insoles should I wear for back pain?

It's important to choose memory foam insoles for back pain that fit snugly around your foot, ensuring better support and shock protection.

👣 For back pain magnetic insoles for back pain for back pain. The texture of these insoles stimulates your metabolism through acupressure underfoot. This is ideal for stimulating blood circulation, and ensuring better posture on a daily basis. 

If you suffer from plantar problems at the root of your back problems, it's obviously advisable to wear orthopedic insoles adapted to your pathology: insoles for flat feet, insoles for plantar fasciitis, insoles for tendonitis, insoles to support the arch of the foot... 

Plantar acupressure insoles

Where can I buy them?

If you suffer from chronic back pain, then don't hesitate to consult your doctor to see exactly where your problem is coming from and how to treat it. đź©ş

In the case of serious pathology such as scoliosis, or other plantar pathology, you may be referred to a registered podiatrist. In this case, you can benefit from custom-made orthopedic insoles for back pain.

đź’¸ While these insoles will provide immediate relief and progressive correction, they are generally expensive. Expect to pay several hundred euros for custom-made orthopedic inserts for back pain.

Good to know: The Social Security reimbursement rate for orthopedic inserts is 60% of the "tarif de convention". However, orthopedic inserts must be ordered on the basis of a doctor's prescription.

For a more economical solution, consider buying orthotics online. Available for all pathologies, these insoles are not made-to-measure, but can be cut to your size, and you have several budget and model options.

In a nutshell, online, there's something for every price and every need, and these orthopedic insoles are just as effective as made-to-measure insoles.


Wearing orthotics for chronic back pain is highly recommended. Not only will it help relieve your pain immediately, it will also help treat your posture problem over the long term.

For optimum effectiveness, however, it is advisable to couple the wearing of insoles with osteopathic or chiropractic treatment to work in depth on your posture problem. 

Of course, you should consult your doctor beforehand to receive a precise diagnosis of your back pain.

Mal de dosSemelle orthopédique

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